Hi all. I hope your new year is starting out well.
One of the tropes of blogging is to note how long it’s been since the last post and to make an earnest declaration to post more frequently moving forward. Let’s take that as a given and move on.
I’ve decided to make 2024 my Year of Gothic. Last summer I took a more-or-less random detour into Frankenstein and all things Frankenstein-related which sparked an interest in the gothic literature of the 18th and 19th century.
I’m allowing serendipity to guide my interests in this project. There are so many forking pathways to divert my attention and I believe this may occupy the whole of 2024.
Who even knows how much posting there will be this year. Not me! But with any luck I’ll share some of cool stuff I’m unearthing.
One pathway I won’t be exploring much is goth music of the late-20th century. Perhaps a post or two but I wager I’ll spend more time writing about elegiac poetry of the 18th century than Siouxsie or The Cure.
But that’s not for today. Today is to wish good health and much love to everyone. 2023 is gone and here’s to a better year in 2024!